Woman Tennis Shines in India - Finally

Sanai Mirza (Tennis player) has done well for the country and herself. It makes me feel proud that finally a tennis start has been born in cricket-obsessed India. Hats off to you Mirza and hope that you achieve no less than a Grand slam title in coming years.
What makes Sania special is her belief in herself and self-determination. The forehand shots speak a lot about the attitude that she carries. She is making cricketers run for their money compounded with the lack of performance from Ganguly Dada.
I hate Ganguly, not for his past performance but for the existing form that he is, and they way he was made captain of the India side. He lacks everything and should step down gracefully and let the side me lead by Dravid. Dravid is the only one who is performing these days.
Heard in the NDTV news that Ganguly and Sehewag are having Flue??? Flue or having not clue?
Women are such a different species, which Man can never understand. They are such different creatures in understanding and perceiving things. My Top five hate list about woman
1. Gossip
2. Spending most of her time on Make-up/Hair dressing/ Shopping
3. Thinking that the home is hers and husband is one furniture to handle
4. Every thing in the house has to be at right place. Come on, can't I keep my shoes and towel where I want.
5. Loose control over diet after marriage
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